Public Foundation "League of Advocates for the Rights of the Child"

Site address:

Our contribution: Turnkey Website

Technologies: Ajax, ZendFramework, CMS Zendy, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery

Date of development: January 2016

Most recently, our regular charity project for the PF "League of Advocates for the Rights of the Child" passed.

Before us was the task of making a bright, lively site evoking positive emotions in people ready to help defenseless children, and we think we succeeded :)

On this site a universal module "Publications" is implemented, which can be linked to any page, which allows the content manager to create new sections with beautiful lists by himself.

Also implemented the following functional:

- "Ads" module

- Modules: "Smot on Children" and "News of the Fund"

- Photo and video galleries

- 3 language versions

- Module "Partners"

- Feedback